Crushed, broken, fractured
You beat the joy from me
Over and over again
On my hands and knees
Blood dripping from my split lip
And broken heart
I look up, hoping, wanting, waiting...
For love
You hit me again
Your words slamming into
My very soul
Aching, I beg you to stop,
Just stop
In your blind fury
You ignore my protests, my requests
You let your arrows fly
Their aim hitting true
The marks you seek to destroy
Joy, hope, faith, trust
Stripping away
The very fabric of who I am
Why did you want me?
To just tear me apart
Piece by peace
Tiny pieces
Crumbling, falling, breaking
Walls replacing open arms
Numbness overtaking
Tears no longer fall
Spent on past pain
Nothing left to give
Just a shell of who I am,
Who I want to be.
Cause I believed when you said...
You see me.
My bad.
I think you just wanted a punching bag
For violent words.
Your past hurts
Overwhelming all sense, all thoughts
All restraint
All feelings you said you had
You made me believe
You called me back
Again and again
Promising better tomorrows
But warm sheets and dark spaces
Fill my arms and warm my heart
Others' words comfort my soul
'Cause last night you tore into me
The light of day
Bringing pain, yet again
Maybe you’re hoping my joy dies
Why else would you keep
Telling lies..