This handbook guides churches in caring for sufferers of all types of abuse. Find correlating videos at
This inspirational book tells Joy’s story, points out signs of abuse, and gives biblical guidance for healing.
Austin shares his story about how he was an emotional abuser for over two-thirds of his life. But through great sorrow, God gave him the ability to be transformed from the ashes of defeat to a renewal of his spirit and mind.
This book provides a plan of action for emotionally abusive relationships, helping to identify destructive behaviors, re-establish safety, stand up for yourself, and move toward a Christ-honoring restoration.
Gain the tools you need to get along with difficult people and conduct your relationships in a manner that honors God–and preserves your sanity!
This book encourages godly men in the church to call abusive men to repentance and accountability and instructs them on how to do it.
This book uncovers the layers of covert tactics that men employ to establish and maintain control over their intimate partners. The author suggests how we can develop a more efficient and consistent response to the issue.
Learn how to identify the toxic entitlement that drives abusive behavior, better understand its impact on victims, and become equipped to provide wise and Christ-centered counsel to the oppressed spouse.
This book explains how a normal marriage differs from a confusing marriage and offers a roadmap to change.
This is a ten-week study guide for victims and survivors of domestic abuse. Going through this curriculum will help bring healing and hope after abuse. This study is meant to be done within a support group but can also be effective one-on-one with a mentor.
Miller breaks the silence that surrounds nonphysical domestic violence. She identifies the many types of this abuse: verbal, emotional, psychological, social, and economic--and explores why this outrageous treatment of women continues unabated in our society.
This mini-book will shed light on the characteristics of verbal and emotional abuse, words used in abusive conversations, methods of sabotage, and examples of what the victims may experience when dealing with an abusive relationship.
Evans offers strategies, sample scripts, and action plans to help you recognize verbal abuse and respond to abusers safely and appropriately.
Violence Among Us offers practical help in identifying abusive situations, strategic counseling tips, and case studies and models of effective ministry to both the victim and the perpetrator.
This book is intended to equip pastors, church leaders, and church members to respond with the heart of God to domestic abuse in their local church, prioritizing the safety of the victim.
Bancroft gives us a look inside the minds of angry and controlling men, describing abusive personality types and offering ways to survive or leave an abusive relationship.